
Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic joint manipulation consists of a gentle and quick force applied to a joint within the body that is displaying abnormal motion or position. Typically referred to as a chiropractic adjustment, the goal of joint manipulation is to restore proper motion and optimal biomechanical function.

Chiropractic encompasses a remarkably wide spectrum of beliefs, techniques, and philosophies. Spinal manipulations have been the at the root of chiropractic care for over a century. While some chiropractors feel that the spinal adjustment or manipulation is the cure-all for all of the body's ailments, there is a growing specialization within chiropractic that focuses on the soft tissue (muscle, tendon, ligament, nerve, and fascia) as opposed to strictly structural alignment.

At Essex Integrative Health, we understand that muscles and soft tissues regulate joint motion, therefore if something is out of alignment or displaying altered movement patterns, the soft tissues are a contributing, if not causative, factor that need to be addressed. Providing strictly structural alignment while ignoring the adjacent soft tissues is to provide relief that is often short-lived. Our soft tissue therapies include myofascial release, dry needling, cupping, and therapeutic & corrective exercises.

Our goal is to provide an all encompassing treatment plan, focusing on joint motion, compromised soft tissues, and overall health & wellbeing.

What are the fees for Chiropractic & Manual Therapies appointments?

The fees vary based on appointment type and time.

  • 60 minute initial chiropractic appointment: $155 (Danvers) - $195 (Charlestown) - Includes a consultation with Dr. Zubiel, including a detailed health history, discussion of complaints and goals, and physical evaluation. If time permits, treatment is included (joint manipulation/mobilization, soft tissue therapy, myofascial release, dry needling, and/or therapeutic exercises) at no additional cost.

  • 15 minute follow-up appointment: $55 - Tune-up/maintenance visit. Appointment may include joint manipulation/mobilization, soft tissue therapy, myofascial release, therapeutic exercises, and/or dry needling (additional $10 fee for DN).

  • 30 minute follow-up appointment: $110 - Appointment may include joint manipulation/mobilization, soft tissue therapy, myofascial release, therapeutic exercises, and/or dry needling (additional $10 fee for DN).

Due to limited schedule availability, full payment is required at the time of booking and new patient visits are non-refundable. All major credit cards, including HSA and FSA cards, are accepted.

We do not accept or participate with any health insurance companies. Upon request, we will provide you with a superbill (contains diagnosis and CPT codes for services performed) to submit to your health insurance for possible out-of-network reimbursement.

Chiropractic & Manual Therapies appointments are offered out of our Danvers and Boston locations.

For more information, please see our FAQs and Terms of Service.